Category Archives: GREAT IDEA


What We Wear

Know you’ve seen these articles about what/what-not-to-wear after 40, 50, 60;.  Have even been told that leggings should not be worn by anyone over 30–Really????  Does anyone tell that to the Kardashians?  Yikes, what was I thinking; celebs are exempt … Continue reading

Posted in FIBER FASHION FUN, GREAT IDEA, Repost | 562 Comments

Number One Tip to Save, Bookmark, Facebook and Web Pages

How-to Save/Bookmark Facebook and Web Pages As I’ve said, have never met a FB page or a blog I didn’t like.  The Inbox is overflowing every morning, but, that is how I like it! I’m retired now but even when … Continue reading

Posted in GREAT IDEA | Tagged , , , , , | 548 Comments

Saving Money on Your Sewing Purchases

Saving on Shopping Dollars is Easier that Ever     Who doesn’t like saving money and with the advent of online coupons, Ebates, store discount, and cash-back credit cards it’s easier that ever. Here is how I save money through … Continue reading

Posted in GREAT IDEA | Tagged , , , , , , | 29 Comments

The Eurosteam Pressurized Iron; Ergonomic Rotary Cutter

Eurosteam Pressurized Iron Ergonomic Rotary Cutter   For the first time in many years, my sister and I attended the Original Sewing and Quilt Expo in Minneapolis.  It was essentially a social event to catch up with old sewing friends.  … Continue reading

Posted in FIBER FASHION FUN, GREAT IDEA | Tagged , , | 41 Comments