Category Archives: OPINE


Are Shorts Appropriate Attire in Church?

Should Shorts be Worn to a Church Service? While reading the church bulletin, a soft, “Excuse me”, caused me to swivel my legs to let people pass by in the church pew. Imagine my surprise upon glancing up, to find … Continue reading

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WSJ and Sewing Machines

I figure when a product hits the pages of WSJ, it has come of age and has the stamp of approval from the highest echelon of taste and respectability. Imagine my surprise to find the lowly sewing machine has made … Continue reading

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More on Hydrogen Peroxide

Clorox vs Peroxide Posted on January 27, 2013 by neucarol Clorox Hydrogen Peroxide                 December 19 2014 Update   Here is a very thorough review of advantages of Peroxide. Post by Brian Wilkinson. … Continue reading

Posted in OPINE | 3 Comments

Facebook Rant, Rant, Rant…Can’t Use/Find ‘Like’

Just spent way too much time–AGAIN–on Facebook trying to use my business page.  So why am I wasting so much time on a clearly frustrating, poorly run website?  Because the Powers that Be (who are they???) have decreed a FB … Continue reading

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